Sunday, January 9, 2011

week 7: move it or lose it.

Good morning Girls!!

Time for your check-up:
Have you cleared all the processed 'treats' from your cupboards? 
Have you self-prepared more meals than you've ordered in/eaten out?
Have you broken in your sneakers and registered at a local gym?
Did you sign up for Dr. Oz's "Just 10" plan?? 

I hope so!! If not, what are you waiting for? Surely your numbers (weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.) won't budge without proactive steps to a healthier lifestyle. 
In preparation for the holiday season, here are a few pointers:

First, you are not obligated to eat anything. Don't feel the need to try something at a party or get-together simply because it's there. Compromising your goals doesn't help anyone in the long run!! Stick to your commitment. Politely decline, and mention that you've heard the dish is delicious. (hint: keep your mouth busy with conversation or sugar free gum)
Second, no one really likes fruitcake bring a healthy alternative to your dinner party. Try a new recipe or fall back on the classic veggie/fruit platter. 
Next, keep your water glass full and in-hand at all times. Approximately half of our cravings are due to dehydration, and not because we're actually hungry. So keep sipping that H2O all night long (not only will your waistline thank you, but your skin will too!!)
Additionally, get your friends and family on board!! Sometimes we hesitate to tell anyone that we're working towards a weight goal for fear of failing in the face of our loved ones. Ironically, individuals with peer and familial support have MUCH higher success rates (of loosing and keeping it off) than those who embark on the journey alone. So, tell your husband you're not buying the ice cream, inform your kids that the snack drawer will no longer be stocked with pop-tarts and potato chips, and fill up on the good stuff - everyone will thank you (in the long may experience some initial grumbling). 

Finally, it's time to kick our Moms: Motivation & Munchies group up a notch. Reading a blog isn't going to help you shed pounds and make positive changes, but rather, it's what you do with the information and accountability that comes with each post. As the new year approaches I want to push us towards our goals. Finding time for healthy choices is not the easiest or the most frugal option, but I promise that you're body, your outlook, and your family will be positively altered if you take the plunge and commit. 
We're going to start a 'Biggest Loser' challenge, of sorts. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the TV show The Biggest Loser, hosted by personal trainer Jillian Michaels, but it's all about shedding pounds and making mindful substitutions. So here it goes:
We're going to design a webpage where each woman will be listed and assigned to a group (because let's face it, you're less likely to let a teammate down than if you were running this race solo). Percentages of weight lost or gained will be documented (percentages ladies, not actual pounds). We will choose a goal, and see which group leads the rest of us to that goal, encouraging each other along the way. The desire is for us all to choose a non-profit organization, and for percentage increases (weight gained), respective donations will be made to the non-profit. While it IS the season of giving, I believe that you will all be loosing more than gaining...therefore your pockets will be full (and your waistband a little loose). 

So, if you are on-board and interested please rsvp with 
1. your name
2. a desired non-profit organization 
3. additional group members you'd like to involve 

Stay warm & active ladies!! I look forward to hearing from all of you. 

5 Totally Tangible Tips:

Perfect Example:


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