Sunday, January 9, 2011

week 2: dust off those sneakers.

Hello lovelies!!

I want to hear all about your 1st week. Were you craving carbs? Did you feel more energized? Was it as terrible as you expected? Your diet will be an ongoing challenge to maintain - as we discover new healthful snacks and continue to avoid fake processed 'goodies'. Keep the recipes coming, especially as we enter the holiday season. 
Keep asking yourself, am I really hungry? and if I eat this will it benefit my body in any way?

Since you've all been mindful of what you're putting into you bodies, the next step is to monitor what you're getting out of your body!!
It's time to sweat!! 
If we want our bodies to look beautiful, we need to exercise our organs & muscles, demanding of them what they were made for - exercise. The goal is to set aside time EVERY day for some kind of aerobic activity. 
If you think you'll exercise when you have time, you are sadly mistaken...just like grocery shopping, parent-teacher conferences and manicures, gym visits & treadmill time need to be scheduled. Make it a priority!! 

1. find a time that works best for you. are you a morning person or an evening person? do you have a free hour before or after work?
2. discover exercise that excites you. the best exercise is the one you're going to do (and stick with!!)
- tennis, jogging, cycling, yoga, swimming, etc. what can you learn to love?
3. whip out your planner - right now - find time & pencil in your workout
If you don't have a gym membership, find a friend who does, or better yet, get one!! Many gyms offer a trial pass, so check out the facilities. Now that the weather is getting colder, inside workouts will be more appealing. Do you have workout DVD's or can you get the Fitness channel? 
4. recruit a buddy!! seriously, this makes all the difference in the world. accountability is everything...a spouse, a daughter (shout out to Momma C), or better yet, the other women taking on this challenge. 

Exercise is hard. But the rewards far outweigh the struggles. Your blood will be pumping, your metabolism will increase, endorphins will be high, and your self confidence will be boosted. If you stick with it, continuing to monitor calories IN versus calories OUT, the scale won't be as scary. has a great Activity feature, where you can type in any exercise and it will tell you how many calories you've burned. Remember, don't get discouraged because you can't run around the block. Any exercise is better than none at all. As we begin, the goal is to lace up your sneakers and sweat just ONCE A DAY!! As you build endurance, you'll find yourself getting stronger, more toned, and more encouraged. 
Can you find 20-60 minutes a day to strengthen your body & improve your health? 

here's a wonderful link to '10 tips for weight-loss newbies' - put these into practice!!

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Perhaps start a power walking group once a week? the YMCA has 'bring a friend fridays'. My mom & I love to start a day off with one of their spinning classes. I recommend trying one. Get out of your comfort zone!!
PS. having a cute workout outfit makes the gym more fun - so make a goal (example: walking/jogging 30 minutes a day & going to a new exercise class this week), and if you accomplish it reward yourself with some cute new attire!!

sweat sweat sweat and tell me what works best. I look forward to hearing from you. 
PPS. sore muscles ARE a good thing. 


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