Monday, January 10, 2011

week 11: 2011!


I've missed you. I apologize for the hiatus, but there is so much in the works!! We're still working on getting our very own 'Biggest Loser' competition up and running (literally, running), and on top of that I have been thinking of moving our e-mail group over to a BLOG. Here's why: instead of spamming your inboxes you can check the blog whenever it's most convenient for you (we all know mom's lead the busiest lives), you can comment and hold conversations with each other, and I can add photos - let's face it, the picture books are always more fun!! expecting the 'Moms: motivation & munchies' group to be moving to the world-wide-web sometime soon. 

In the meantime, let me just congratulate all of you who have been kicking your fitness routines into high gear, way to go!!! I have seen several of you at the gym - at spinning classes, kickboxing, and water, you gals are impressive. Has it been paying off? On the scale? Your energy reserve? How about your overall self-esteem? Let's hear those stories. Good and bad (I'm sure body parts you weren't even aware of are sore). I am so proud. 
For those of you who felt defeated by the holiday season, don't fret! Grab a gym-going buddy and get back out there. Your body deserves it,YOU deserve it

While our group undergoes some construction I thought it would be great to share some recipes with each other. Perhaps something new and healthy you've tried or plan to try. Seeing as it's a new year, all of our cookbooks could use some updating. Right? 
Here are a few my family has experimented with lately (it's unanimous, when these veggies are done right, we love them!!):

1. Green bean salad with a feta vinaigrette (these were enjoyed by many party guests - give 'em a whirl)
            * Momma C, Deb, Loretta, and Lisa, am I right?

2. Roasted brussel sprouts (I'm not kidding, these are great)
            * Momma C and Momma Rutt can attest to this!!

Your turn. Share some yummy recipes. One rule: it must be healthy!!
Challenge: try a new workout this week (you never know, you might love it) and make a new creation in the kitchen (use one of the recipes). 



  1. The green bean salad was DeLicious! The blog looks great! Thanks for taking your time to put it together. Great Job! I bought a new app last night that will help me keep track of calories consumed vs. Calories burned, and also track nutritional data and water intake. I'm still getting familiar with it, but am excited about the potential it has to help me stay on track with all the counting.

  2. how is the new app treating you Mrs. M? tell me how you liked zumba.
