Sunday, January 9, 2011

week 1: accountability & cleaning out.

Goodmorning Gals!!

It's been so encouraging to hear from most of you, your goals, restrictions, passions, etc. I'm really excited for us to begin this journey. One of the most important components in achieving success is our mindset. This is NOT a 'quick fix' diet plan, but a lifestyle alteration. Cutting carbs and counting calories for six weeks might work at first, but we want lasting results that will facilitate a healthy, natural way of living. A diet is simply a way of eating - not a trend, but a conscious decision to only put in our bodies nutrition that will keep us strong and energized (for those tough workouts!!) 

This is a two part job. Diet AND exercise. Weight loss stems from burning more calories than you consume (and making sure that what you consume is helping your muscles and promoting a high metabolism - not just satisfying a craving). It's hard, and requires consistent self-control and intent. In order to make this adventure a whole lot easier (and more fun) I've compiled a list of my favorite webpages that will help to keep you on track.

Accountability is a crucial component to achieving your goals - use each other to lean on and motivate each other. Keeping this, or any, challenge to yourself makes failing less embarrassing, but it's accountability that pushes us forward and gets results!!
So, here are some crucial resources for all of you:
* it's all about calories IN and calories OUT. CalorieCount allows you to create a personal profile, calculating your metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns at rest), how many calories you burn during your sweat sessions, and how many calories you need to maintain your workout routine. Try it, you can type in any food or exercise and find out just how much your eating/burning. Even if you don't want to become a regular calorie counter, this website is great to track how many vitamins and proteins your eating.

* motivation, motivation, motivation!! Women's Health magazine provides some healthy entertainment, however, I'm referring you to the Newsletter page. You can sign up for free weekly e-mail newsletters that keep you chugging along throughout your week. Healthy recipes, workout songs, etc. Just sign up and let the inspiration begin.
* Fitness magazine will keep you up to date with quick workout routines, the latest gadgets and gear (let's face it, working out is so much more fun when you look the part!!), healthy substitutions and more. You'll learn so many things just by browsing the page during your lunch break. 

* for all you kitchen connoisseurs, here is a wonderful webpage that supplies healthful nutrition information and food substitutions. Catering to any dietary need - diabetic, gluten-intolerant, low-fat, etc. Keep in mind that your body (it's strength, shape, and ability) is directly correlated to what you put in and how you use it. 

CHALLENGE: Eat natural for this week. All natural.
So as we begin, let's detox. There's no lemon juice and cayenne pepper involved here, just a trash bag and some good judgement. Anything that's packaged is off limits. Packaged means it's been modified, puffed up with sugars and starches that your body doesn't need. No salty snacks like chips and pretzels, No sugary substitutes like soda and cookies. Throw away your secret stash (you won't need it, we'll substitute healthy snacks for your cravings), and use a critical eye on the other items in your pantry. Don't keep it around, and don't allow other family members to become an excuse - invite them to join you on this journey. 
Next, hit up the grocery store. Fresh produce is your best friend!! 
- Veggies veggies veggies - steamed, fresh, tossed in a salad - there are no restrictions here. 
- Fruit (my favorite) is the perfect sweet snack (note: if you're diabetic you will need to monitor your glycemic intake). 
- Protein: lean meats (chicken & fish are the best) eggs, nuts, lentils, etc. 
- Dairy: skim milk, greek yogurt, low-fat cheese, etc.
- Seasonings: be wary of your sodium intake, but use herbs and spices to add some zest!! Stay away from fattening dressings and condiments - use olive oil and vinegar for your salad. Invest in wholesome sides like salsa, applesauce and/or peanut butter but avoid processed fats like mayonnaise & butter. 
Stay away from white flour (pastas & bread) and sugar. As we progress, you may find that adding some whole-wheat products into your diet will be beneficial, but for now avoid all wheat/yeast products. Look for great recipes made with natural produce!! Drink water, unsweetened tea (add honey) or coffee but steer clear of sodas, juices, and sugary lattes. 

Keep us posted on your progress and ask questions!! It's going to be hard, but your hard work will pay off. Find your motivation and allow it to be your driving force. 


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