Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sample grocery list:

Happy Sunday afternoon Ladies, 

I was asked to supply a rough sketch of a grocery list abiding by the changes I've prompted you all to make. Silly me, I threw you in the ocean without instruction of how to properly battle the waves. Forgive me, here it is:
Obviously this is just a guideline. If you are unsure of the benefit or detriment of anything specific, just ask!! 

*the natural sugars in fruit are ok!! and a much better snack than other alternatives. 
*diabetics, watch your glycemic level. 
apples, oranges, melons, berries, bananas, grapes, plums, nectarines, peaches, etc.
WARNING: dried fruit often has loads of added sugar and tricks you into thinking you're eating much less than you actually are. Choose FRESH!

you can't go wrong with veggies. (fresh or frozen) ok, you can. choose green vegetables over starchy ones like corn and potatoes. 
spinach, lettuce (the darker the better), asparagus, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, peppers, celery, tomatoes, peas, cabbage, radish, onions, etc. 
*grill them, saute them, marinate them, steam them, eat them raw - adding spices and seasoning (beware of high-calorie dressings) makes them taste less like rabbit food. 

eggs (for those of you watching your cholesterol, limit your yolks), fish, tuna, lean poultry - chicken, turkey, lentils, tofu (for you vegetarian types), nuts
*all of these options are healthy alternatives, but watch your portion sizes!! (ex. cashews - 11; almonds - 20)

skim milk (soy, rice, or almond are great dairy-free alternatives), low fat cheese, Greek yogurt, butter (limited quantities)
AVOID: icecream, whipped cream, cream cheese, mayonnaise etc.

*while we're limiting any refined carbs (breads, baked goods, pastas, processed cereals), there are some healthy and slimming versions:
brown rice, oats, quinoa 

salsa, natural peanut butter, olive oil, vinegar, spices and herbs, balsamic vinegar, mustard, etc

I encourage you all to look up and swap recipes. (mom, these gals could use some of your amazing recipes) 
Let the grocery shopping begin!!


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