Friday, July 15, 2011

The Secret:

What if I told you I know the secret to health; increased energy, disease prevention, improved mood, sound sleep, clear cognition, an overall feeling of well being? You'd shake me until I shared it with you, right? At least I hope you would (for your sake). Well, here it is...
You can achieve all of those things through the secret of: EXERCISE. The killer body is just added incentive.
Sometimes I think we become so obsessed with the numbers: weight loss, inches, pounds, etc. But exercise has so much more to offer than just toned thighs and a tight tummy. Don't get me wrong, those are wonderful goals to strive for, but let's not lose sight of just how much a good sweat session can do for our whole being. A regular workout routine extends far beyond looking great in a bikini.

CHALLENGE: the next time you're feeling tired, sluggish or grumpy, resist curling up on the couch with a bag of potato chips and go for a bike ride instead; play tennis with the family, try some yoga poses, or jog around the block while you pray/mentally organize your next lesson plan. Be active and watch not only what it does for your waistline, but for your whole self - mind, body and soul!!

1 comment:

  1. Walk the dog with your family! Nicole your a great cheerleader!
