Friday, July 15, 2011

Gym Etiquette 101:

Running with the wind at your back, the sun warming your shoulders, is a euphoric feeling. Sweating in a cotton t-shirt, without a water bottle, in hot weather on a humid day produces quite the opposite feeling (and quite possibly, heat stroke). When the temperature and the weather conditions aren't conducive, it's time to hit the gym. While it may not offer a cool breeze or lush scenery, fitness centers do have many benefits, often unattainable outdoors. Weights and circuit training machinery allow you to work every major muscle group, group exercise classes (step, pilates, kickboxing, etc.) allow you to work up a sweat in a group of fellow gym rats without the effects of the sun, and a water fountain is only paces away!!

I stumbled upon an interesting article in the Huffington Post about the most common faux pas when utilizing a fitness facility. Next time you're at the YMCA or LAFitness, be sure to avoid making any of these:
1. Leaving sweat on the machines (ew! sanitize your germs)
2. Resting for too long
3. Using your phone
4. Eating/Drinking on the Gym Floor
5. Hogging a machine (share!! 30 minutes max.)
6. Leaving weights out
7. Hovering
8. Interrupting a class (as an instructor, this is a BIGGIE!! arrive 5 minutes early and stay for the cooldown. be courteous.)
9. Misusing the locker room
10. Leaving your bag out
11. Not reporting issues

Try avoiding these gym "no-no's" next time you stop in. But DO stay hydrated, stretch and fuel properly!!

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