Monday, June 27, 2011

paging Dr. Oz...

Longevity, wellness, strong bones, mental clarity, supple skin, age, health and happiness - just what the doctor ordered. These are all things we wish to obtain and sustain from young to old, but how can we live our lives in such a way so that we are prone to achieve this goal? Dr. Oz (a personal fave) shares with us his Top 10 Daily Essentials, to encourage a healthy heart and a happy soul. Here they are:
10. Eat a hard-boiled egg every day: 13% of daily protein and only 4% of our daily caloric intake. Eggs fight frailty and boost brain function.
9. Check your poop: as taboo as the subject might be, your waste is a direct representation of your organ function. Remember, metabolism occurs at a variable rate, different among individuals.
8. Make veggies half of every meal: complete with essential nutrients it's important that we aren't denying our bodies the vitamins they need to function optimally. Throw together a veggie omelette for breakfast, order a salad or make a vegetable stir fry for lunch/dinner.
7. Take half your multivitamin in the morning and half at night: supplying your bones, muscles and organs with the nutrient it needs is fantastic, but our bodies are unable to absorb a full dose at once. Make sure you're getting the most out of your supplement.
6. Supplement with a bone-boosting cocktail: Vitamin D3, Calcium and Magnesium - protect your bones!!
5. Get at least 7 hours of sleep: allow your body a chance to recharge, keep your cognition sharp and discourage over eating by going to bed early.
4. Have sex (*note: I am a firm believer in abstinence until marriage): sex not only promotes relational affection, but also boosts brain health and reduces stress.
3. Breathe and stretch for 5 minutes: roll out of bed and reward your body with a stretch session, loosening your muscles and joints (better yet, schedule time for a workout, cardio and strength).
2. Eliminate simple sugars: anything that's white and/or processed should be absent in your nutritional plan. Simple sugars are largely to blame for the obesity epidemic in America today.
1. Sit less, move more: "for every hour you spend sitting a day your risk of death increases by 11%" what!? who wants to go for a bike ride? (raises hand). Try to get 10,000 steps a day.

How many of these do you currently practice? Which ones do you need to work on? Put these into effect and Dr. Oz assures a healthier, happier life.

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