Saturday, June 11, 2011

Interval Training 101:

Slow and steady might win the race, but it's the girl who trains with intervals that gets the best workout. Interval training captures the art of "surges" - pairing a comfortable pace with a sprint (or significantly quicker push). Here's an example: walk for 2 minutes, jog for 1 minute, repeat 10 times. Find something comfortable, then go HARD for short bursts of time. It's been said that interval training burns the most calories, keeps your heart rate in fat-busting mode, and also allows you to get the same (or better) workout in HALF the time.

Sounds great, right? I thought so too. Turns out, it's a lot harder than it sounds (at first). When I go out for a bike ride or a run I often get lost in my thoughts, methodologically pounding the pavement for several miles, never adjusting my speed significantly (albeit, I miiiight get a bit slower towards the end of my workout). I'm not a speedy kind-of girl. BUT according to Fitness Magazine, I should be.
Here are several key benefits to adopting an interval training lifestyle: "Interval Training..."
- targets your belly fat (come on! who can argue with that!?)
- makes you faster (whether you're a swimmer, cyclist or runner)
- promotes after burn (meaning, once you leave the gym your body is STILL building muscle/burning fat. bring it on baby!!)
- saves time (meaning you'll still have time to grab lunch with the girls or treat yourself to a manicure)
- increases your endurance (so you'll be faster AND stronger)
- decreases your resting heart rate
- can be used with every kind of cardio (whatever you enjoy most!!)

I promise to give it a try if you do. The benefits are hard to argue with. So, whether you prefer the elliptical or the pavement, try picking up the pace throughout your next workout. Deal?
Regardless of what you do, remember to STRETCH and cool down!!!

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