Friday, October 12, 2012

Dr. Oz says...

Let me introduce you to Dr. Mehmet Oz. Okay, let's face it, unless you've been living under a rock you already know exactly who this man is. He's a pretty big deal. Even Oprah says so. I've done some research and he seems to be the real deal. He's not selling us crazy health schemes, but rather, abides by the principle of moderation. Let's face it, not everyone with a PHD or MD makes reasonable claims regarding diet and fitness. Sigh, if only common sense were more common. 
That being said, here are Dr. Oz's Top 10 Health & Fitness Tips Of All Time:

1. Get Strong, Not Skinny. Forget starving yourself to fit into those skinny jeans. Instead, Dr. Oz recommends focusing on acquiring 10,000 steps a day (approximately 5 miles) to stay slim and healthy.  I'm not entirely sure when looking frail became all-the-rage, but the trend is shifting (hip hip, hooray!!). Strong is the new Skinny. 

2. Cut Out The White Stuff. You've heard me say this a thousand times. No white sugar, No white flour. But seriously guys, it works!! White bread, pasta, pastries, etc. are all just refined carbohydrates with little nutritional value. Eliminating these nutritional no-no's is one of the fastest ways to shed weight and promote optimum health. 

3. Bring on the Broccoli. Your mom wasn't lying, it IS extremely good for you. Broccoli cleanses the liver and is a cancer fighting cruciferous veggie. 

4. Get Your Daily Dose of D. This is a hot topic for me. As a skin cancer survivor, I want to encourage you to get your vitamin D - which aids with calcium absorption and improves immunity, whilst still remembering to protect your skin with sunblock. Daily vitamin D quotas are met within 15-20 minutes of sun exposure, anything more and you should apply some SPF. 

5. Drink More Water. This is an easy one and yet so many of us fail to stay adequately hydrated. Water is the BEST energy drink available. Ditch soda, sugary coffee drinks and all other 'beverages' and still to nature's remedy - H20. Often times thirst is disguised as hunger, so keeping a water bottle within reach may help you to snack less often too!! 

6. Trade Supplements for Tea. Having just returned from England, Americans are seriously out-of-touch with the magic that is tea. Tea boosts your metabolism and has many cancer-fighting antioxidants, not to mention it keeps you hydrated (see #5). Try sipping on unsweetened tea throughout your day. If you need a little sweetness, add a drop of honey. 

7. Focus on Nutrients, Not Calories. IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! IMPORTANT! The oversimplified equation of weight loss is, Calories IN < Calories OUT. However, your body is hungry for nutrients, meaning that if you eat fewer calories than you're burning but aren't fuelling adequately with vitamins, protein and nutrients, your brain is going to keep signalling that you're hungry. High-fiber, nutrient-rich vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean meats are what you want to reach for. Foods associated with the most weight gain include: french fries, potato chips, sugary drinks, refined grains, sweets and meat. Foods associated with shedding pounds were yogurt, whole grains, nuts, fruit and vegetables. knew that already, right!?

8. Delay Dessert. What!? Did she just say the 'D' word. While I don't personally recommend making dessert a daily practice, treating yourself makes healthy eating seem more manageable, thereby encouraging you to continue mindful munching. Dr. Oz suggests waiting 2 hours after a meal to indulge in a sweet treat, so as not to hinder the digestion of nutrients. His recommendation? Dark chocolate (but just a little). 

9. Sleep More to Slim Down. Why would anyone argue with this? Sleep deprivation encourages premature ageing and prevents weight loss. Do you need any more incentive to make it an early night? Aim for a solid 7 hours of shut-eye and you'll increase your efforts for success!!!

10. Make Breakfast Mandatory. and no, your four cups of coffee don't count. Skipping the first meal of the day can increase your risk for obesity by FOUR!! After going the night without eating,  your body needs some fuel upon waking. If you don't eat your metabolism slows down as a response to famine. Not eating breakfast results in consuming more calories later in the day. So scramble a few eggs, whip up some oatmeal or grab a yogurt and fruit. 

You can find the full slide show here