Thursday, February 28, 2013

Superfoods for Super Cheap!!

but Nicole, eating healthy is just so expensive!!

If I had a dollar for every time I heard that I could buy all the fancy produce I wanted and still have enough do-re-me left over to invenst in a gym membership. In this post I'm setting out to prove you wrong. Eating healthy doesn't have to cost you and arm and a leg...after all the whole point of maintaining health and wellness is to keep all extremities in working order for as long as possible, right!?

No doubt about it, you can find some pretty expensive health food products. But you don't need to be buying organic, grass-fed, pesticide and gluten-free groceries at specialty food shops. I'm not saying to avoid those things or places, if you can afford them or have special dietary needs, do buy them, but if you're just looking to eat healthier, start with something green. baby steps.

The following food items have all been shown to have amazing health benefits (hence, the 'superfood' title) and are all under $1 per serving!! You can't even buy a bag of crips or a candy bar for that price. Eating Well magazine has just made your next supermarket shopping experience a whole lot easier, check it out.

1. Lentils.
cost per serving (1 cup): 15¢
benefits: high in protein and fiber (9g and 8g per half cup)

2. Oats.
cost per serving (1/3 cup, uncooked): 10¢
benefits: a great source of soluble fiber (3g per serving).  Research suggests that increasing soluble fiber intake by 5 to 10 grams/day could result in a 5% drop in LDL cholesterol.
** note: those sugary packets of flavored oatmeal don't exactly count.

3. Kale.
cost per serving (1 cup): 60¢
benefits: a serving (1 cup cooked) has 10 times the daily value of bone-healthy vitamin K. It also has 3 times the daily value of vitamin A and is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, which all help your vision.

4. Almonds.
cost per serving (1oz): 63¢
benefits: 1oz (23 nuts, 162 calories) has 37% of your daily value for vitamin E. Almonds also deliver calcium, fiber and folate.

5. Tea.
cost per serving (1 tea bag): 10¢
benefits: green and black tea are loaded with antioxidants, which may boost your immune system and promote heart health.

6. Oranges.
cost per serving (1 orange): 34¢
benefits: one orange delivers an entire days worth of vitamin C and 3g of fiber. plus, the orange color means it delivers vision-boosting beta carotene. for only 70 calories!!

7. Tuna.
cost per serving (3oz): 48-77¢
benefits: tuna canned in oil delivers heart-healthy omega-3s and is a great substitution to use when cutting back on red meat. Look for chunk light tuna, which comes from smaller tuna fish and is lower in mercury than white albacore tuna.

8. Peanut Butter.
cost per serving (2 tbsp.): 21¢
benefits: peanut butter delivers heart-healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats, vitamin E and zinc. Look for natural peanut butter (ingredients: peanuts and salt) to avoid partially hydrogenated oils and sugar.

9. Apples.
cost per serving (1 apple): 21¢
benefits: apples don't have a super high amount of any one vitamin, but they do produce tangible heart benefits. Researchers think it’s a combination of the pectin (fiber) and polyphenols that makes apples so good for you.

10. Eggs.
cost per serving (1 egg): 17¢
benefits: egg whites are brimming with protein (4g per egg), while the yolks deliver vitamin D, lutein and xeanthanin, which lowers the risk of age-related macular degeneration. all for 80 calories!!

11. Carrots.
cost per serving (1 cup): 32¢
benefits: carrots deliver 4 times the daily value of vitamin A, which helps build bone and contributes to immune function.

12. Cabbage.
cost per serving (1 cup): 27¢
benefits: cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable - linked to lower rates of cancer. It’s also is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, and delivers fiber and detoxifying sulfur compounds. 22 calories per cup!!

You can buy all those yummy, healthy things for under $1 per serving. Whether you're buying for a household of small people or just for one, that's a great deal. There's no way around it - food is fuel. Give your body the proper nutrients to operate at your very best.

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