Saturday, February 2, 2013

spaghetti squash RECIPE:

all of us have enjoyed a delicious bowl of spaghetti. and while not all of us may consume squash on a regular basis, I'm sure you've at least heard of it.

--- remind me to tell you a story about how I once had to inform the cashier at the supermarket what the "yellow thing" in my cart was (squash). oh! and the "ugly brown ball" (avocado). sheesh.

but back to the point, have you ever heard of SPAGHETTI SQUASH!? it's one of my favourite things. not simply because of its taste, but because it is so fun to make. I'm going to be vulnerably honest with you for a second - I am pretty terrible in the kitchen. I can make a bangin' salad, boil eggs and whip together some quinoa...but that's about it. and regardless of what it is I'm making I manage to make a mess equivalent to that you might find on the highchair of a sticky-fingered toddler. I kid you not. ask my mother. so trust me when I tell you that squash is one of the easiest things to make. seriously. here's what you'll need to do:

acquire one spaghetti squash (legally, of course). set oven to 375 degrees. use a pairing knife to poke a few holes in the shell of the squash. place squash on a baking sheet. bake for approximately 60 minutes or until you can slice into the squash without resistance.

the best is yet to come: once you've baked your squash. allow it to cool before slicing it in half and scooping out the seeded middle (the bits that look like the inside of a pumpkin). then grab a fork and start scraping!!! your fork should easily slice through the squash. if it's still firm return it to the oven for 10 minutes. the finish product looks like noodles!!

your squash should have a slight crunch and can be paired with a variety of items. squash itself doesn't have a strong taste, but is great when used as a base or replacement starch. 
here I've listed a few of my favourite ways to use it: 
- use it as a base for tomato sauce (you can even add a meatball or two!) 
- pair it with chilli 
- mix in a homemade avocado and beef broth puree (delicious!!) 
- add parmesan cheese, herbs and a little butter

give it a try and tell me what you think. this is a super fun recipe to try with children (or those of us who just refuse to grow up). Steamy Kitchen has a great recipe and step-by-step instructions for first timers. 

PS. I've heard spaghetti squash can even be made in the microwave. so you have no excuse not to try it! ENJOY!! 

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