Friday, September 21, 2012

cauliflower pizza crust. yes, cauliflower!!

I was recently speaking with a friend who requested this recipe:

sometimes you just crave a good slice of pizza, you know!? well, for someone like me who is allergic to wheat and dairy (and who also doesn't subscribe to all of the gluten-free, dairy-free replacements that taste like cardboard), I found a healthy recipe so you and yours can all share a pizza night without the guilt...and tons of unnecessary calories. three cheers!!!

I made this recipe with some mates in England this past year and it was actually much better than expected. the crust is made out of - CAULIFLOWER - go figure. I've included two recipes below. the first, is made without cheese. I topped mine with mashed avocado and cherry tomatoes while my girlfriends topped theirs with cheese, cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms and more cheese. ha! so just because you make a healthy crust doesn't mean the rest of the pizza is healthy. it's all about personal choice, but the options are endless. here's the cauliflower crust recipe (sans cheese).

...and for those of you who aren't sensitive to dairy (or who aren't willing to give up cheese just yet), here's the cauliflower crust recipe (made with cheese).

so have at it! this is a super fun meal to make with the family or a group of friends. let me know what toppings you choose and if you like it. Friday nights just sound better when there's a movie and pizza involved, don't you agree!?

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