Monday, January 10, 2011

week 8: adopt these holiday tips.

Happy Holidays Ladies!!

Did you know - statistics show that the average woman gains only about 1 pound of holiday weight...BUT she never looses it and that weight continues to add up, year after year. How many holidays are you carrying around on your hips? The point is moot, but you can bet your bottom dollar that we will not be adding another pound this year. 
So, don't let holiday parties and festive food catch you by surprise. What's your plan of attack?

- bringing a salad/veggie tray to company parties
- skip appetizers, browse first and allow yourself one plate of food 
- NEVER go to a function on an empty stomach, pop a few nuts or eat an apple 
- ask yourself, "am I really hungry or just eating because it's available?"

You know the drill. But here's a question for you? How can one stay on top of their fitness routine when traveling for the holidays? Being swarmed with family & friends, hoping airlines, sitting in traffic... whatever your mode of transportation this year, it can put a major kink in your sweat session schedule!! And while a day of rest is prescribed by all doctors and health mentors alike, two, three, and four days off is not a good recipe for a healthy heart or a trim tummy. Here are some easy-to-follow tips:
1. When you wake up, before your shower, do a set of jumping jacks and lunges. Not only will you rev up your metabolism, but you'll feel more awake (potentially cutting your morning caffeine intake). 
2. Make an extra trip. As moms this is hard for you to hear, but try multitasking a little less so you have to make another trip up the stairs...or park at the far end of the parking lot
3. While in the car, squeeze your gluteus maximus at every red light. 
4. While at your desk (or in an airplane seat), do a few sets of leg lifts - keeping your feet off the ground for as long as you can. 
5. During your daily episode of Opera or Dr. Oz (how many of you are signed up for the 'Just 10' program??) do 10 squats, 10 sit ups, and 10 pushups during every commercial.

While these tips may not get your heart pumping as much as your 2 mile jog or spinning class, the little things add up. Fidgeters burn approximately an extra 350 calories a DAY?? Seriously, it's called non-exercise activity thermogenesis. So start moving every chance you get. 
Have you been sticking to your resolutions? Have you written your goals and shared them with an accountability partner?

Read 'The Fastest Fat Burners' & put at least 5 into practice:,,20448745,00.html

*more news to come on the Biggest Loser challenge. Keep the suggestions coming for a non-profit organization!!


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