Monday, September 17, 2012

PLATEAU is an ugly word.

since arriving back in America it feels like everyone is complaining about their personal plateaus.

for those of you who don't know, a plateau refers to "flat terrain". when applied to the world of fitness, a weight-loss plateau signifies a lack of change. your body is no longer reacting to your fitness routine and/or nutrition plan. regardless of how hard you feel you're working toward your goals, the scale doesn't budge and you get frustrated. the key: stay positive! a plateau is a physiological response, and with the proper tweaks you will overcome it and see results!!

first, let me ease your concern by telling you that plateaus are NORMAL. everyone reaches plateau at one point or another. maybe you're at your ideal weight and your body is comfortable where it is. if you're BMI and body fat percentages are in the normal categories, this could be the case. however, since most of us are not in peak condition, there is most likely an additional factor holding you back from dropping those unwanted pounds or losing those last few inches.

I found a great article from Fitness magazine talking about moving past a plateau. here are the tips they give readers in order to overcome the stagnant state of our routines:

1. don't make excuses. just because the number on the scale doesn't match your expectations doesn't mean you should start pointing the blame somewhere else. consider working with a personal trainer or a buddy if you're growing complacent in your workout routine.

2. set (new) goals. goals are a must. they keep us motivated and moving in a positive direction. however, maybe it's time to re-assess. your goals 10 months or even 10 pounds ago may no longer be the same. re-evaluate.

3. mix things up. this is SO important. if you go to the same classes every week, walk the same 2 mile loop and eat the same can expect the same results. (duh. right!?) try a new class. mixing things up keeps your muscles guessing and it keeps your interest piqued and far from fatigue.

4. push your body. run for an extra 20 minutes or add a few plyometric/strength exercises after your workout. go harder or go further.

5. don't be distracted. your body deserves your undivided attention in order to get the best results. no texting while on the elliptical. save that magazine for after your workout. multitasking does not work (hint: this fact applies to all facets of life). it only distracts you from your goals simultaneously.

6. don't stress over the scale. if the # is putting you in a blue mood, avoid the scale for a week and focus on upping your workouts/diet instead. ultimately, your health is about how you feel, not your weight. focus on the positive.

so grab your journal, re-evaluate your goals and let's go all out this week.
"say NO to plateaus!!"

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