Thursday, March 21, 2013

weight loss DO's and DON'Ts:

so you need to lose a few pounds. join the club, the vast majority of America could stand to drop a few pant sizes. but how can and more importantly, how should you go about doing that?

weight loss DON'Ts:

1. DON'T skip meals: but if I don't eat breakfast than I'm "saving" those calories and will therefore lose weight. not so. first of all, you'd have to be stupid to not eat breakfast. I mean, really!? have you not ever heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? they weren't lying. it's true. after going 7-14 hours without eating your body is in a fasting state. in order to begin a productive day you need to kick start your metabolism (i.e. eat breakfast). if you deny your body food for too long it enters into starvation mode - where fat is stored (you know, in case a drought drives all the wildlife away and you can't hunt down your dinner), not burned. keep your body functioning at it's peak by eating something small every few hours. and by small I am not referring to a Hershey kiss. think small portion, large nutrient density. food is fuel.

2. DON'T adopt the starvation diet: I'm on this new diet where I don't eat anything and then when I feel like I'm about to pass out I eat a cube of cheese. thank you Devil Wears Prada. yeah, that doesn't work for anyone. ever. think about it, do you know anyone who is functional, happy, looks fab and doesn't eat? I sure don't. it's emabarassing that I have to break this down but...if you don't eat, you die. so on the starvation diet you will eventually kick the bucket, or in most cases...go on a crazy unhealthy binge eating everything in sight in large quantities because you are, in fact, starving. no woman should be consuming < 1200 calories/day and no man should be consuming < 1600 calories/day. EVER. so unless your goal is self-sabotage this weight loss option should be thrown away, tossed out, forgotten.

3. DON'T fall prey to diet scams: but it worked for my friend!! she's dropped 30 lbs. and looks fantastic. all of those things may be true, but my question for you is, for how long? I know a lot of people who lost weight using some magic pill, drop or shake but almost all of those individuals have since gained that weight (and more, in certain circumstances) back. if there was a magic solution wouldn't we all be using it??? this option is laziness at it's best. we don't want to take the time, dedication and perseverence it takes to succeed with a healthful lifestyle so we grab whatever we can that promises results NOW. sweet people, it took more than a week to put that weight ON, it's certainly going to take more than a week to get it OFF.

weight loss DOs:

1.  DO set goals: what do I want? what is realistic? how long will it take me to get there? how can I best encourage success? In a study of Harvard MBA graduates only 3% had written clear goals. 10 years later when those same graduates were surveyed, those 3% were earning, on average, 10x as much as the other 97%. so make a date with yourself and sit down, with a pen, paper and your calendar and set some clear, realistic goals. figure out what you want and how you can get there.
2. DO get friendly with the concept of moderation: I'm going to have a glass of wine tonight with my "cheat meal". let me intorduce you to the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you are on your game - eating clean and taking care of yourself. 20% of the time you're bending the rules a little bit. indulge your sweet tooth, have a night out on the town with friends without worrying about calories. severely restricting yourself is not something that can often be sustained for long periods of time. so find a healthy balance, a plan you're comfortable with and make the changes to get there! now, let me just clarify, having a "cheat" meal does not mean you can consume an entire pizza and still lose weight. rather, it means you can have that slice of pizza on Friday night as a reward for your healthy week. dark chocolate and bread don't have to be OFF LIMITS. just practice a little self control.

3. DO educate yourself: it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. don't just eat clean and exercise because you want to look good naked. heck, don't do it just to look good in clothes either. do it to feel great. do it to stay healthy well into your old age. you've heard it all before - artificial sweetener has been shown to cause brain tumors, a diet high in sodium leads to high blood pressure, too much saturated fat causes heart complications. yikes! isn't that reason enough to devote some time to your health? looking super sexy should be an added benefit. read nutrition labels. know what you're putting into your body.

my challenge to you: be more than just a passive consumer. do the research. be proactive. make your health a priority.

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