Wednesday, December 12, 2012


can you say, "FREAKING OUT!!" because I can and I am.

just recently I started taking Body Pump classes at my gym. BODYPUMP is a class offered by Les Mills using barbells and weights to sculpt, tone and strengthen your entire body. all too often we get stuck on the cardio train. cardio is brilliant. it's great for building endurance and keeping your insides healthy (the heart loves cardio). but sometimes we forget that fitness is a marriage between cardio and strength. we go for a run....jump into a spinning class...walk...swim, all the while burning calories and getting our heart rates up whilst neglecting to build and strengthen our muscles, which will ultimately improve our performance in all areas of fitness. one of the most common misconceptions concerning weight training is that if you lift you'll look like those she-men with thighs the size of your torso. not true!! unless you're intentionally training for a weight lifting competition (and pounding protein like it's your job), strength training will not result in obscene muscle bulges. Let's talk about the benefits of strength training, shall we?


1. protects bone health and muscle mass: after adolescents we all start losing approximately 1% of our bone/muscle strength every year (yikes!). strength training has been shown to stop, prevent and even reverse bone and muscle loss. what!? science. is.!!

2. makes you stronger and fitter: yes please. muscles are being strengthened and toned by contracting against the resisting force of weight. as you replace fat with muscle, your bod is not only going to feel healthier, but you are going to look HOT. 

3. helps develop better body mechanics: balance. coordination. posture. all of these things get better with strength training. vitally important among older adults, strength training can reduce the risk of falls by up to 40%.

4. plays a role in disease preventionstrength training can be as effective as medication in decreasing arthritis and lower back pain. strength training can help increase bone density and reduce the risk of bone fractures. strength training can also help improve glucose control (super important for anyone with diabetes). 

5. boosts energy levels and improves mood: (like coffee, only better!!) strength training presents a big endorphin (natural opiates produced by the brain) boost. and that's not all - research shows improvements in sleep and overall quality of life as strength training has antidepressant properties. 

6. burns more calories: there we go! (I know some of you are saying, nicole, quit it with all this rubbish, just tell me how I can drop 10 lbs. it is...)  our bodies continue to burn calories after strength training, known as the 'after burn' or 'physiologic homework'.  More calories are used to make and maintain muscle than fat. strength training can boost your metabolism by 15%. 

tell me you're convinced. yeah!? don't for one second think you can't do this because you don't have access to expensive weight machines, barbells or dumbells. strength training includes plyometric exercises like pushups, situps, lunges, squats, etc. NO EXCUSES! if you are more advanced and you think you'd like to give a class like BODYPUMP a try, I say go-for-it!! remember to use light weights your first time and see how you feel afterwards. take a buddy, it's fun!! I'll be honest, after my first class I thought, 'wait, was that it? I'm not sweaty', but two days later, boy was I eating my words. you will be sore! and you'll want to make a habit of it. heck, I've only taken 5 classes and I'm going to get certified this weekend. crazy!? mmm. probably. I'll keep you posted on the training. In the mean time, learn more about BODYPUMP and other Les Mills programs here 

who's coming with me!? 

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