Friday, June 17, 2011

"Wait Training"

So lately, my fitness goals include: build lean muscle and weight train regularly. I'm in the business of putting on some healthy weight and building strength. The fantastic thing about weight training is that whether you're looking to put weight on or take inches off, it's the BEST solution. Replacing fat with muscle is something everyone should be pursuing!! Muscle burns more calories than fat, which will thereby increase your RMR (resting metabolic rate - i.e. calorie burn). Not to mention you will replace your jiggle and squish with a healthy, sculpted physique.

I'll admit it, sometimes I am more than little intimidated by the circuit training machines. I sit down, pick a light weight, do a quick 3 sets of 10 reps, and move onto the next exercise. STOP RIGHT THERE. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that "Exercising slowly can bring quicker benefits". In summary, the control group did 10 repetitions of a dozen exercises, pulling the weight up and bringing it down in 2 sections (each direction) - the usual pace. The experimental group performed 5 repetitions, 10 seconds up, 4 seconds down. Results yielded that women who performed slow-speed training attained 50% greater strength gains than the subjects who performed standard-speed training.
Ken Hutchins, an exercise theorist recommends using an amount of weight you can manage competently, performing each exercise until you can no longer lift. Conduct two 20-minute sessions a week and you'll be well on your way to increased strength and bone growth - without injury!!

So, the next time you're at the gym, forego the treadmill or the elliptical for a strength-training session. Go slow - fatiguing your muscles. You can even ask one of the trainers on the floor to demonstrate the machines/dumbbells for you. Or take a buddy who is a experienced in the weight lifting department!!
Strength training is something anyone and everyone can benefit from.

CHALLENGE: add two 20-minute strength training sessions to your routine this week. Let me know what moves you do and if you feel sore the next day (it's a good feeling, I promise!!)

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